

Back Injury Lawyers in Oregon

The back, also referred to as the spine, is one of the most commonly injured places in the body in workplace accidents. Back pain has been one of the most common types of injuries at work. Back conditions and injuries are generally referred to as back pain. Why is the back, and more specifically the lower back, prone to injury? The back is the region of the body that supports the head and trunk of the body and provides strength and movement to the limbs. The lower back has the least structural support of the spine and is the most utilized.

Neck Injury Attorneys in Oregon

The spine is typically divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. The back features a variety of different regions, each specializing in its main functions:
Thoracic (mid-back) – hold the ribcage and keep the heart and lungs safe.
Lumbar (lower back) – support the weight of the body
Sacrum – connect the spine to the hipbone
Coccyx – provide an area for pelvic ligaments and muscles to attach
Cervical (neck) – support the weight of the head and provides range of motion to the head

Back Injury Lawyer in Oregon

When one or more of the regions of the back is injured or damaged, serious consequences can result. Different types of back injuries have different symptoms, such as:
Whiplash – dizziness, pain, limited mobility, swelling
Herniated disc – radiating numbness or weakness, pain
Spinal cord injury – vomiting, nausea, headaches,
Fracture – backaches, inability to move, swelling
Stenosis – lower back and buttock pain, a sensation of heaviness in legs when walking
Sprains and strains – stiffness, weakness, pain, reduced mobility
Cervical radiculopathy – pain, weakness, loss of sensation in arms

Neck Injury Attorney in Oregon

Even if an insurance company contacts you, you are not obligated to speak to them. You should not share any personal information with them before you speak to an injury lawyer from Oregon Job Injury Attorneys. We can make sure you aren’t saying anything that could come back to haunt you during the review period and can also negotiate on your behalf. Frustratingly, insurance companies may be willing to pay you as little money as possible and will use your statements against you later on to deny you benefits. In our group of skilled neck injury attorneys and hearing loss attorneys in Oregon, we will not let the insurance company employ any unethical tactics. Instead, we will always fight for maximum benefits.
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