

Hand Injury Attorneys in Oregon

There are 27 bones and five fingers in the human hand. The human hand contains an intricate network of muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Human fingers have an exceptionally high density of sensory nerve endings.
Hands perform many functions and are also an element of emotional well being as well as physical well being. An individual’s hands are used not only for many activities, but they also play an important role in their ability to communicate and connect with others.

Hand Injury Lawyers in Oregon

A traumatic injury, such as a sprain or overuse syndrome, can disrupt a worker’s way of life, as well as their professional career. What happens when an injury sustained on the job leaves them unable to live their life normally or crippled financially? Workers who were injured on the job are covered under the state’s workers’ compensation system. In Oregon, the Workers’ Compensation program provides medical treatment and lost wages to employees with work-related injuries. In order to file a claim for benefits, you must first report the injury to your employer.

Hand Injury Attorney in Oregon

Hand injuries stemming from a job or occupational activity are getting more and more common. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), twenty percent of disabling work injuries are related to the hands. The second most common type of work-related hand injuries is crush injuries (13%), according to the NSC. The most common type of work-related hand injury is laceration (63%). Types of work-related hand injuries include:
Avulsion injuries (e.g. degloving, amputation)
Puncture injuries
Stress injuries
Fracture injuries
Burn injuries

Hand Injury Lawyer in Oregon

Although a large percentage of traumatic workplace hand injuries are related to repetitive tasks, a growing number of hand injuries are caused by overuse. Performing the same action repeatedly, over and over again for an extended period of time can aggravate the muscles, ligaments, tendons, or nerves of the hand. If you’ve been experiencing numbness, chronic pain, or muscle weakness in one or both hands, you’re not alone. But if you’ve been experiencing these symptoms for more than a few weeks or months, you may be suffering from an overuse injury.
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