

Hearing Loss

Diagnosing work-related hearing loss is difficult. There are two main warning signs of Occupational Noise induced Hearing Loss: tinnitus and temporary threshold shift. Tinnitus is ringing in the ears, and temporary threshold shift is a temporary change in hearing sensitivity that often occurs after noise exposure. Both of these signs can be mild and disappear relatively quickly, such as after walking out of a very loud room, or they can be severe and permanent. These signs do not automatically indicate a hearing loss diagnosis, because they do not always occur in hearing loss cases and they are not unique to hearing loss. Diagnosing work-related hearing loss is complicated even further by the fact that hearing loss can also be caused by aging, diseases, recreational exposure to noise, and other factors. In order to properly diagnose work related hearing loss, it is necessary to visit an audiologist, give a detailed account of noise exposure in and out of the workplace, and get an audiogram to measure hearing sensitivity.
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